Excess Of Anything Is Bad!
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Lucknow, 14
March, 2009
My View-
It’s the peak exam season, and
students and their parents are trying to cope with the exam anxiety. Almost all
the students are busy studying. And very soon, after the declaration of the results,
some students will come off with the flying colours and some with long faces.
I don’t wish for the latter one but it’s
an inevitable fact. There are also bad consequences varying from great
depression, frustration to suicide. In 2006, the most recent year for which
official data is available, 5,857 students- or 16 a day killed themselves due
to exam stress. Now, can we think of what leads to these bad consequences? Yes!
Excess pressure of parents on students is one of them. Since children
(students) are the loving one to their parents, they are pressurized to achieve
good marks or first position. And this should be done because student is just
like that small growing plant which grows according to the direction in which
it’s guided. So, if a student is not guided in the right direction like the
plant, he will not grow properly. But at the same time we cannot deny that “Excess
of anything is bad”. When a student is pressurized up to a certain level, it is
constructive but if it crosses that limit, definitely it’s destructive for the
student. So, here it’s almost clear that parents should exert pressure on their
children but in a balanced manner.
ASHRAF, Student
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